Since its inception, the National Association of Teleworkers (ANT) has tried to enhance its services and benefits to its group of associates in different lines of effort and work -training, computer supplies, labor and technological orientation, agreement with companies, etc.- This approach has required the provision of infrastructure and the empowerment of numerous human and material resources, etc. The two work centers, 1) central services, 2) the purchasing center and, 3) the orientation and training center are the base from which most social and technical benefits are carried out. This growth trajectory has involved the incorporation of new professional values -psychologists, counselors, computer technicians, labor specialists, instructors, etc.- that currently form a high-level team of people to support important professional and social commitments. For the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TELE-WORKERS, telework is the result of the formulation of a new concept of person, freer, with more personal autonomy and the ability to control their destiny and vocation and, finally, with a greater balance of their social values, political, existential and family.