Our services


We work with you to find the best solutions for your challenges - entrepreneurship, compatibility between work and family life, work integration, vocational development, etc.-!

Services to affiliates and entrepreneurs

The ANT can help you launch your professional teleworking initiative, defining all the steps and resources you need -financing, technology, legal and administrative requirements, training, clientele, grants, potential partners, etc.- and, very importantly, it can get your telework project approved so that it is easier for you to acquire the technical and financial resources you require.

Services to Town Halls and Organizations

The ANT collaborates with City Halls and organizations to promote employment to the citizens of their municipalities, promoting keeping them residing in it, which contributes to local consumption, to enable their voluntary contribution to the municipality and, most importantly, not to value is moved out of it. All this, creating municipal telework centers.

Company Services

The ANT collaborates with companies to produce a change in the labor paradigm of work with the presence of a remote dispensing model, in which their templates can be integrated without producing, production, business and service discontinuity. By applying our TELEXEC TELEWORK METHOD –TTM- methodology, we can migrate your organization for the mobilization of workers from the traditional performance model -with physical presence- to the teleworking-based work model.

Special services

The ANT is especially sensitive to people with difficult labor integration in the face-to-face model - disabled motorists, people with family responsibilities, over 45 years, prison population, people living in rural areas, etc. - for this reason it has designed special lines of occupational development for these groups. Our protocols for the integration of marginal groups allow access to employment for these groups, contributing to a society based on principles of professional equity.

All the services you need, with a single click.

The ANT wants to provide you with maximum accessibility to the services you need.
Our call center will guide you in all your contact initiatives with the ANT. The only requirement is that you become part of our associated group, which will allow us to know all your job potential and, thus, be able to guide you to the performances that bring you the most satisfaction and success.
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